recaptcha,what is recaptcha,how work recaptcha,introduce recaptcha
  • this time a post about all people to surfing lost of  website and you can see reCAPTCHA checkbox.
  • so let's start...
reCAPTCHA website's

  • this recaptcha is product by google and there to free service to used for your website.
  • Question is used or not used this recaptcha ?   
  • your site commercial lick online selling ,online BANK's and other earning site's you used reCAPTCHA and secure you site ..   
  • secure ! yes secure for spam and other cyber attacks or hackers.

    So Question is How it work..??..

    •  reCAPTCHA is working to create some pictures for unlock the next URL. lick see this images. 
    •  You can select images for as question .
    • after click verify. 

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