What is mores code ? now on Gboard .
what is mores code ?
- the answer is , the mores code is a method of transmitting text information as a series of on-off tones,lights or clicks.
- that can be directly understood by a skilled listener or observer without special equipment.
- it is name's for samuel F.B morse, an inventor of the telegraph.
- and international mores cord is sow image.
Now on Gboard : .
- the google Gboard is first integrated morse code into android version (in beta).
- when activated morse cord fills the keybord area with two large dot and dash icons.
steps up the morse keybord: .
- open your device's settings app.
- tap system, then languages & input.
- tap virtual keyboard,then Gboard.
- tap languages ,then English(us).
- swipe left through the optiones,then tap morse code.
- to hear sound feedback as you enter morse code.turn on sound on keypress.
- and tap done.
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